Advances in our understanding of canine atopic dermatitis



Canine atopic dermatitis (cAD) is a genetically inherited clinical syndrome that encompasses diversity of mechanisms and can have variety triggers. Development disease the result genetic factors environmental conditions, which shape resulting immunological response. Clinical becomes evident once threshold inflammatory response achieved. Skin barrier impairment plays role in promoting cutaneous dysbiosis increased allergen penetration. Keratinocytes dendritic cells subsequent lymphocytic Thymic stromal lymphopoietin one links between damaged skin modulation T-helper (Th)2 It still unclear whether mutations genes exist dogs, as they do humans, or observed alterations are purely secondary to inflammation. A dysregulated immune with Th2, Th17 CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T has been reported. cytokines [interleukin(IL)-31, IL-34, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor] proposed potential biomarkers treatment targets because serum dogs when compared controls, although correlation levels these severity not always present. The main issue many published studies only normal controls. Thus, it changes we find truly signature cAD merely manifestation nonspecific broad responses. Studies considering comparison other diseases different from urgently needed correctly identify what specific this complicated syndrome. La dermatite atopique canine est un clinique à prédisposition génétique qui passe par une variété de mécanisme et peut avoir facteurs déclencheurs. Le développement la maladie le résultat génétiques conditions environnementales façonnent réponse immunologique résultante. devient évidente fois que seuil inflammatoire atteint. défaut barrière cutanée joue rôle dans promotion dysbiose augmente pénétration des allergènes. Les kératinocytes cellules dendritiques lymphocytaire subséquente. lymphopoiétine stromale thymique liens entre endommagée Th-2. Il n’est toujours pas certain les gènes existent chez chien atopique, comme l’homme, ou si altérations observées sont purement secondaires l’inflammation. Une immunitaire déréglée avec augmentation régulatrices été rapportée. [interleukine(IL)-31, proposée biomarqueurs potentiels cibles traitement parce qu’ils augmentés chiens atopiques quand comparés aux contrôles, bien qu’une corrélation taux sériques ces sévérité ne soit présente. principale théorie, appuyée nombreuses publications, contrôles sains. Ainsi, il clair changements nous trouvons véritable plutôt réponses inflammatoires non spécifiques. études considérant comparaison d’autres maladies différentes urgemment nécessaires pour correctement identifier ce spécifique complexe. atópica canina es síndrome clínico hereditario abarca una diversidad mecanismos y puede tener variedad desencadenantes. El desarrollo enfermedad clínica el resultado factores genéticos condiciones ambientales, dan origen respuesta inmunológica resultante. se hace evidente vez alcanza umbral inflamatoria. deterioro barrera cutánea juega papel en promoción disbiosis aumento penetración alérgenos. Los queratinocitos modulan las células dendríticas subsiguiente linfocítica. linfopoyetina del estroma tímico uno los vínculos dañada modulación (Th)2. Todavía no está claro existen mutaciones perros atópicos, como ocurre humanos, o alteraciones observadas son puramente secundarias inflamación. Se ha publicado existencia inmune disregulada con linfocitos reguladores CD4+CD25+. han propuesto citoquinas [interleucina (IL) -31, factor inhibidor migración macrófagos] posibles biomarcadores objetivos tratamiento porque aumentan suero atópicos comparación controles, aunque existe correlación niveles séricos estos gravedad enfermedad. principal problema muchos estudios publicados siempre comparan solo controles normales. Por lo tanto, cambios encontramos realmente firma simplemente manifestación respuestas inflamatorias amplias inespecíficas. necesitan urgencia consideren otras enfermedades diferentes para identificar correctamente qué específico este complicado síndrome. Die atopische Dermatitis Hundes ist ein genetisch vererbtes klinisches Syndrom, welches eine Vielzahl an Mechanismen umfasst und unterschiedliche Auslöser haben kann. Entwicklung der klinischen Erkrankung das Ergebnis von genetischen Faktoren Umweltbedingungen, die resultierende Immunantwort formen. Klinisch wird deutlich, wenn Grenzschwelle entzündlicher Antwort überschritten wird. Beeinträchtigung Hautbarriere spielt Rolle bei Förderung einer Dysbiose zunehmenden Penetration Allergene. Keratinozyten formen dendritischen Zellen sich daraus ergebenden lymphozytären Antwort. Das Stromal Lymphopoietin eines Verbindungen zwischen geschädigten Modulierung T-Helferzellen Es nach wie vor unklar, welche Mutationen, so beim Menschen, den Genen atopischen Hunden existieren, oder ob beobachteten Veränderungen ausschließlich sekundär zur Entzündung auftreten. wurde dysregulierten mit erhöhten CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen berichtet. Eine Vielfalt Zytokinen [Interleukin (IL)-21, Makrophagen-Migrations-Inhibitions-Faktor] werden als potentielle Biomarker Behandlungsziele vorgeschlagen, da sie im Serum Vergleich zu Kontrolltieren, erhöht waren, obwohl Korrelation Serumwerten dieser Schwere nicht immer vorliegt. Der hauptsächliche Streitpunkt vieler publizierter Studien Tatsache, dass Hunde nur normalen Kontrollen verglichen werden. Daher bleibt Veränderungen, wir finden, eindeutig charakterisieren, um Manifestation unspezifischen breiten Entzündungsantwort handelt. sind dringend nötig, Vergleiche anderen entzündlichen Krankheiten herstellen, unterscheiden, damit korrekt identifiziert kann, was für dieses komplizierte Syndrom spezifisch ist. ????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Thymic lymphopoietin????????????????T (Th)2???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Th2?Th17?CD4+ ???T???????????????????????????????????[????????(IL)-31?IL-34??????????????]???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????cAD??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????cAD????????????????????????????????? ??????(cAD)???????????, ??????, ????????????????????????????????, ??????????????????????????, ?????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????T??(Th)2??????????????????????????????????, ??????, ?????????????????? ???Th2?Th17?CD4 + CD25 ???T????????????????????[?????(IL)-31?IL-34???????????]???????????????, ????????, ???????????, ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????, ???????????????????, ?????????????????cAD????????????????????????????????cAD??????????????, ????????????????? (DAC) é uma herdada geneticamente compreende diversidade e pode ter variedade gatilhos. O desenvolvimento doença fatores condições ambientais podem moldar resposta imunológica torna limiar inflamatória atingido. comprometimento barreira cutânea desempenha na promoção disbiose penetração Os queratinócitos moldam linfocítica subsequente. linfopoietina estromal tímica ligações danificada modulação Ainda não existem mutações nos em cães alterações são secundárias inflamação. Uma imune desregulada com reguladoras já foi relatada. citocinas (IL)-31, fator inibidor migração propostos potenciais estão aumentados soro comparados aos apesar correlação os níveis destes gravidade nem sempre presente. muitos estudos normais. Assim, particularidade DAC meramente manifestação respostas inflamatórias amplas específicas. Estudos considerando comparação outras doenças urgentemente necessários corretamente desta complicada. becoming increasingly clear single disease. What simply presented type I hypersensitivity inhaled allergens now viewed multifactorial complex may be associated demonstrable allergic response, avenue exposure. realization greatly our understanding Under umbrella, trigger include foods cannot demonstrate allergen-specific immunoglobulin (Ig)E results interaction genetics function. In deepening cAD, awareness dysfunction realize vital keratinocytes orchestrating aberrant responses interrelated separate, opposing, aspects keratinocyte, considered more like “inert physical cover”, understood give key signals impactful effects on generated by contact allergens. Keratinocyte-derived how process antigens interaction. chemokines produced [thymus activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), interleukin (IL)-33, (TSLP)], being closely therapeutic indication optimal lacking.1, 2 Atopic individuals exposure healthy controls consequence impaired barrier. This, turn, shapes microbial flora skin.3 We understand all factors, microbiome, interconnected, making very difficult pin-point initial event initiated cascade. there vicious cycles wherein aggravate each other. treatments need target various areas concurrently correct decrease negative excessive self-perpetuating struggling markers for cAD;4 humans,5 possible multiple owing heterogeneity condition. candidates yet reality them generalized Some appear change (e.g. IL-34), would defeat concept biomarker could used formulating long-term plan. purpose paper discuss advances propose directions future studies. Several focused function ultrastructure cAD.6, 7 commonly accepted some form present determine primary defect, inflammation combination two. Additionally studied affected and, thus, say findings cAD. lack conclusive evidence causative effect actual development vitro using showed behaviour terms growth ability establish connections.8, 9 Many veterinary medicine observational associations.10 Associations same causation necessary work out critical per To degree applies human medicine, even case filaggrin. Mutations protein powerful risk AD, debate their “causative” role; people AD filaggrin develop disease.11-13 Clearly, important patients “threshold development” needs reached manifest signs. Ultimately, epigenetic contributes shaping triggering development. Assessment done vivo noninvasive strategies invasive methodologies requiring biopsy. measurement trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) frequently included noninvasive, repeatability methodology questioned. pilot study evaluating five (skin hydration, TEWL, pH, absorbance erythema) assessment both determined pH most repeatable assessment, while TEWL least reliable.14 This finding consistent previously reported variability measurements.15 Indeed, signs variable inconsistent.16, 17 possibly technical issues. reliability makes use parameter options improvement.18, 19 Interestingly, decreased hydration demonstrated patients, currently dogs.4 Examination biopsies useful observe organization particularly structure lipid lamellae. Transmission electron microscopy shown lamellae abnormal nonlesional skin, further derangement occurs after lesions AD.20 Nonlesional equivalent due low-grade or, potentially, intrinsic ultrastructural differences. Lipid described widely free fatty acid ceramides.21, 22 As differences, packing lipids affected. When harvested grown cell culture, different. culture prone little isolated “domes” irregular grow flatter connect evenly other.23 Whether implications unknown at time. appearance staining cultures indicate processing protein.14 differentiation, explain why differently culture. confluence permeability monolayer assessed, differences epithelial electrical resistance (TEER). TEER permeability. higher TEER, less permeable layer. made dog lower than individual,1 suggesting monolayer. linked tight junction proteins expression morphology themselves. Tight junctions attracted lot attention regulating aberrations subsets patients. within such claudin, occludin Zonula Occludens 1 (ZO-1) investigated AD. Decreased claudin samples (nonlesional skin)24 atopy patch test sites.25 intensity ZO-1 immunohistochemical analysis also dogs.26 interesting point abnormalities far immunofluorescence patterns visualize filaggrins, describe “patchy” noncontinuous expression.16, 27 issues something proven quantity, rather discontinuous patterns. By contrast studies,28 clearly cAD29 consistently dogs. Increased gene skin30 enzymes responsible its metabolism31 compensating defective degradation. two filaggrin-type similar location epidermis overlapping functions.32 exact difference filaggrins known first publications actually referred 228 filaggrin.33 cause confusion reading literature. talking about refer structural keratinocytes. chemical microbiological well physical. For reason, microbes importance individual determining protection outside influences. characteristics skin5 metabolism bacterial growth. biodiversity microbiome presence Staphylococcus flares disease.34 Longitudinal antipruritic restored normalized parameters35 demonstrating inter-relationship microbiome.36 Allergen challenge sensitized leads amounts pseudintermedius.37 Topical antimicrobial therapy increase dogs.38 Although historically staphylococcal over-colonization atopics, wall toxins themselves induce AD-like affect function.39, 40 More specifically, component transcription TSLP via TLR2 link Th2 precipitated Staphylococcus.41 strains triggered expansion cells.42, 43 Much progress since time believed mast degranulation histamine release. Our knowledge expanded appreciation populations. longest emphasis placed primarily cells, appreciate intricacy populations, play phases. involvement Th22 acute stage, Th1 chronic phase.44, 45 includes (Treg) cells.46, 47 Treg significantly correlate severity.48 IL-4 overexpressed tolerance TGF-beta.49 present.50 Acute reactions show activation Th2/Th22 pathways IL-31, mediation pruritus.51 IL-31 successfully identified relieve pruritus Positive detected active circulating colony research beagles52 privately owned dogs.53 traditionally functions including differentiation54 responses.55 express receptor cytokine suppress differentiation cornified envelope formation. humans sensitive cytokine. Discriminating indicator limitation published, vast majority another psoriasis often comparison;56 Nevertheless, sense much report relevant pathogenesis “background noise”. Interleukin-17, pro-inflammatory T-cell neutrophil activation,57 treatment.40 IL-17 activates produce several speculated response.58 keratinocyte-derived TSLP59 IL-33 skin.1 consequences claudin.60 Thus modulate exacerbate existing deficiencies. production newly cytokine, largely responsibility IL-34 proliferation Langerhans during steady states. expressed lesional skin.61 Instead, localized dermis, myeloid macrophages. negatively influencing current possibility boosting way prevent mice. Other states autoimmune diseases.62 recent furthermore correlated severity.63 However, concentrations did glucocorticoid oclacitinib therapy. authors postulated cells. No evaluation far. relevance elevated IL34 correlates (MIF) AD.64, 65 MIF were found apparently scores nor pruritus, thus unknown.66 Another potentially peripheral micro-RNA (PIAS1, RORA SH2B1) phosphodiesterase 4D blood mononuclear addition differential controls.67 Again, evaluated see reflect state advanced last few years. view histamine-driven Type inhalant multifaceted key. syndrome, itself seems crucial epicutaneously absorbed promoted. impairments consequence. explored therapies hope providing customized address mediators Future should control groups nonatopic discriminate ones signatures Owing complexity approach multimodal patient become targeted, conceivable all. Importantly, mindful microbiome. Restoring proper system function, minimize repeating new sensitizations disruption

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عنوان ژورنال: Veterinary Dermatology

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0959-4493', '1365-3164']